Thursday, May 26, 2011

How This All Goes Down - Tentative Wedding Schedule

6 AM Friday morning – Pack car for the day, with everything to take to the church, the rehearsal dinner clothes, and girls night out clothes.

6:30 AM – Leave the house for the Flower district, driving 2 cars, so that 1 car can be filled with flowers.

Leave Kim with whoever is watching Grandma, and have Beth bring her to the church later.

8:00 AM – arrive at the flower district, get flowers ASAP.

10:00 AM – leave the Flower District for the church

10:45 AM – arrive at church, unpack, and start putting flower arrangements together.

1:00 PM – Matt arrives with Lunch, quickly eat, and then decorate the sanctuary.

3:00 PM – Decorate the reception hall

5:00 PM – Change clothes for the rehearsal

5:30 PM – Rehearsal

Have a non-important person heat up food at some point during rehearsal.

7:00 PM – Rehearsal Dinner

After Rehearsal Dinner, Trinity and I (and anyone else that wants to go along) go to Union Cattle.  Try to arrive home by midnight.

6:30 AM Saturday morning – Wake Up and Shower

7:15 AM – Breakfast

7:45 AM – Start getting ready.  The bridesmaids will need to do hair/makeup, as will the bride.  After hair is ready and makeup done, bride gets into dress, but NO VEIL.  Veil must be packed to take to the church to be put on before the ceremony.

Photographer should arrive around 8:30 AM.

9:45 AM – leave to take pictures – Parents head to church for last minute décor touchups

10:30 AM – take pictures, Location TBD

11:45 AM – Leave for Church Pictures, make sure to grab a Jamba Juice for sustenance. 

12:30 PM – arrive at the church, bride touches up makeup, fixes hair, and puts veil in hair.  Family pictures are then taken.

1:30 PM – The prelude music should start around this time.  The bridal party exits for makeup and hair touchups.  Groomsmen go to front to usher guests to seats.

2:00 PM – The slideshow starts, app 7 – 10 minutes long.  As soon as the slideshow ends, the groom’s mother is seated, followed by the bride’s mother.  IMMEDIATELY after, the bridesmaids start to walk in.  As soon as one get to altar, the next walks.  At appropriate musical cue, the doors open, and bride and father stand for about five seconds.  Then, they walk down the aisle.  At the end of the aisle, father lifts brides veil, bride kisses father’s cheek, then father gives bride away.  Ceremony continues as scripted.

After the recession, the BRIDE, GROOM, ALL BRIDESMAIDS, and MOTHERS (2) go to receiving line.  The GROOMSMEN usher the guests out of the church.  FATHERS go to the reception, as does the Flower Girl.

After the receiving line is finished, the bride, groom, bridesmaids, and groomsmen do makeup touch ups, then go to Reception. 

Reception Entrance: music?   Announcer??

After reception entrance, then bride and groom have first dance (I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You).  Toasting will come here, or will be at the rehearsal dinner… Undecided. 

Afterwards, everyone eats desserts and such for about an hour and a half. 

Then, the cake is cut, and everyone eats cake. 

Around 5:45, the bride and groom go change into their going away clothes, and the bags of rice are handed out.  At 6:05, a groomsman pulls car around. At 6:15, the announcer tells people to head to the parking lot.  The bride and groom then exit, and the bride tosses bouquet as she leaves.

Cleanup – left to mothers and family.  Everything goes to bride’s mother’s house for storage.  (Bride will go through it and sort giveaway/keep/throwaway.)


  1. Since when do you get to decide where my daughter is going to be?

  2. It seems like the person heating up the food is rather important, if you want hot food.

  3. Why aren't the fathers in the receiving line?

  4. You know if there is public dancing, we won't be at the reception.
