Friday, February 10, 2012

Daisy Lollipops

I wanted to thank the colleages at work that have helped me succeed over the past 10.5 months.  I've been working an extremely grueling admin job at a major utilities company in downtown Los Angeles, and it is finally over.  Constant pressure to never make a mistake, to keep the speed of my work going-going-going was really tough.  One of my colleagues commented that I'm not as perky as when I started working there, which is really quite true.

So to thank the two colleages that gave me awesome recommendations for my new job, and for the coworker doing the same job as me, I made daisy lollipops for each of them.

It's super easy to do.  Stop by your local confectionery or craft store (or Wilton), and get candy molds.  You'll also need candy melts, paintbrushes, and lollipop sticks or kit, which are optional, depending on the mold you get. 

For this mold, I melted two yellow candy melts (yes, in an espresso cup!) in the microwave for two sets of 30 seconds, 1 minute total.  It was pretty pliable by then, so I painted the center of each daisy with the yellow candy.  I then froze the tray for about 30 minutes, until set.

This is the only picture I got - it was really late!!

Next, I melted 3 colors of candy melts: red, pink, and purple.  I poured each color into a daisy, then stuck a lollipop stick in each mold.  Make sure you swirl yours around so it's coated with the candy.  I froze that overnight.

In the morning, I popped each one out of the mold, and wrapped in a little cellophane bag.  Ta-da!!

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