Thanksgiving was awesome. Except for being sick the whole time. Wednesday night was Gina’s potluck, and hers was hands down the best turkey. She put fruit in it as it baked, so that might be what did it. After that, we went home and I worked until about 4 AM on packing. I couldn’t sleep – too congested. So I worked until I was exhausted, and then I slept.
On Thanksgiving, we had my family get together, which was fun, except I laid down for most of it. Then we had Matt’s family gathering. I watched The Grinch while everyone baked, and then ate, and then slept until time to go home.
The morning after, we took all my old kitchen supplies and signed the lease!!!! Dan from church helped us move a bed from
On Saturday after a lovely breakfast at Denny’s (we not allowed to eat out until Valentine’s Day – we both gained a lot of weight over the past 6 months since we have been eating out WAY too much), I took the train home, and wrote out all the thank-you cards for the showers. Yay!!! J My hand really hurt after that.*
Anyway, after that, I held a bridesmaid’s tea, which was lovely, and we got everything squared away. Then Matt came over, and we had dinner with my parents, and we washed dishes for them, and then we got The Maltese Falcon at Blockbuster. Matt liked it. I fell asleep about 10 minutes in. (I’ve seen it before, and I think it is excellent!)
On Sunday, Matt had projection, so we left early for church. After that, we came back to the house and did crafting all afternoon, except when we stopped to get groceries for Matt for the week. I cut all the fringe streamers. Mike and Beth came over and helped, and that was really sweet and awesome.
Here are a couple pictures of the apartment. The first is the kitchen, and how small it is. I want Matt to either build or buy a large cabinet to use as a pantry. We have the space for that.
The second picture is of the bed… Pretty purple comforter!
* And also – if you are reading this, and I accidentally said thank-you for the wrong thing (which I really tried not to do), it’s because at the last shower, Matt and I were not allowed to open gifts at the shower, and so we did so while pumping gas after the shower (cuz we were super excited, right?), and I took all the cards out and read them all on the way home that night, and so everyone’s card got separated from their gift… Now, if we had opened the presents at the shower, I would have had someone make a list of who got what. Like people normally do at showers. So, I’m really sorry if I think you for, like, sheets, when you didn’t get me sheets (no one did – just an example – and I’m not upset that no one got us sheets, so don’t think that! I happen to know we are getting some as a Christmas present). But I’m pretty sure I got it all straight!!